by: Kevin Kenneth D. de Leos
I think what made World Cafe unique than other organization planning methods is that it has a set of principles to follow.
These principles were created by Juanita Brown and David Isaacs to show a step by step guide on hosting a World Cafe. Furthermore, the importance of these principles is to ensure a great outcome from the World Cafe.

Principle 1: Set the Context
Clarify the purpose and broad parameters within which the dialogue will unfold
¡You need to clarify the context of your café
§Purpose – determine your purpose for bringing people together then name it! Ex: OCHANGE café
§Participants – identify the kind of participants who will be included. Remember diversity
§Parameters – take into account (time, money, venue)
Principle 2: Create Hospitable Space
Assure the welcoming environment and psychological safety that nurtures personal comfort and mutual respect
¡Remember to create a welcoming environment – comfortable, safe, and inviting for people to be themselves
▪Have music
▪Natural light
▪Have plants or outdoor view
¡Design creative invitations and pose an initial question
Principle 3: Explore the Questions that Matter
Focus collective attention on powerful questions that attract collaborative engagement
¡Find and frame relevant questions
§Single questions or a series of inquiries
¡Qualities of powerful questions
¡Simple and clear
¡Thought provoking
¡Generates energy
¡Focuses inquiry
¡Surfaces assumptions
¡Opens new possibilities
¡Open ended questions are highly recommended
Principle 4: Encourage everyone's Contributions
Enliven the relationship between “me” and the “we” by inviting full participation and mutual giving
¡Four or five people per table
¡Talking object to be passed around
Principle 5:Connect diverse Perspectives
Focus shared attention in ways that nurture coherence of thought without losing individual contribution
¡The goal is to listen to other people’s insights and discoveries
¡Give each other full attention by linking and building on shared ideas
¡Reflect on the discussion
Principle 6: Listen together for insights
Focus shared attention in ways that nurture coherence of thought without losing individual contribution
¡The goal is to listen to other people’s insights and discoveries
¡Give each other full attention by linking and building on shared ideas
¡Reflect on the discussion
Principle 7: Share collective Discoveries
Make collective knowledge and insight visible and actionable
¡After the rounds, engage a whole-group conversation
¡Moment to reflect and finalize ideas (includes sharing of key ideas)
¡Ask for new ideas
§What was really important?
§What did we learn here?
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