
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Searh Conference

Rachelle Tengco


Fred Emery, Eric Trist, & Merrelyn Emery

Search Conference is said to be a process work people join forces and work together in order for the to provide a future plan for the organization. Furthermore, this process also provides equality for everyone to be able to get involved and be involved at the same time. The main purpose of this process is to connect the organizations’ history to its wanted future. This process also involves the purpose of strategic planning wherein the development of an efficient communication and interpersonal skills among members will take place.

The process of Search Conference basically involves appreciating the environment, analyzing the systems, and integrating the systems and the environment. It should have a group of 20-35 people which does not involve hierarchy (but there must be a representative from different levels/departments). The preparation of this process usually last for 3 days, while the event itself will last for one day, then the time for the post-event will vary depending on the organization.

The Search Conference should be used when the organization needs to classify what direction the organization should take and it also should be used when there is a need to create an environment wherein members of the organization can learn and plan together. Furthermore, this process should not be used when there are issues about confidentiality, concepts and problems; and when there isn’t a need of a feedback from a group of people.

Search Conference is said to be successful when members involved are working together for them to be able to recognize and creatively produce trends. Thus, making them plan and react to certain ambiguities that they will encounter along the way. Then for it to sustain the success that organization will have, members should decide and work together with and around the information that they have gathered along the process. The information collected will serve as guiding principles or guidelines along the way.


This process, Search Conference is an effective planning method for an organization that wants to create the most desirable future they want for their whole system. For me, this method is one of the uniting method there is for organization change for it brings every member of the whole system together to go to one direction for them to have their future. Furthermore, I think this method makes everyone active by discovering every opportunity there is out there and at the same time it can be empowering for certain members as well. So, I can view this process/method as “simple yet straightforward” for it is a simple process/method yet it knows what it wants.

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